The metal element is the essence of Jin and corresponds to the West, autumn and the color white. Now is the time of Metal, when energy enters nature, man, animals. A lull and a longer energy break commences, when everything that has accumulated over the summer and the element of Fire has been horded, collected to prepare for the upcoming winter, which comes after Metal – the period of autumn, soothing and silencing. – Marija Vrebalov
“Melt down the universe and refashion it”– is a phrase used in some rituals with multi-layered meanings.
The history of metal, as far as we know, begins with the use of copper about 11,000 years ago.
It is an integral part of our lives, on a daily basis, without even being aware of it.
In China, metal smelting processes have alchemical symbolism. Without metal, life is unfathomable, almost like without air, soil, water, wood and fire. All elements are an unbreakable link to a life spanning over centuries. On all continents, in all cultures, religions, over all meridians, in all the houses of all states, and on the North and South Poles.
In the philosophy of living according to the principles of Feng Shui, metal itself belongs to the quality of Jin energy, while gold belongs to pure Jang, i.e., male energy, light, power, penetration, clarity, structure. It, therefore, has a duality.
The metal element is the essence of Jin and corresponds to the West, autumn and the color white. Now is the time of Metal, when energy enters nature, man, animals. A lull and a longer energy break commences, when everything that has accumulated over the summer and the element of Fire has been horded, collected to prepare for the upcoming winter, which comes after Metal – the period of autumn, soothing and silencing.
In a 24-hour cycle, as well as in the annual, monthly and daily schedule of elements, Metal corresponds to a period from 3 AM until 7 AM. Metal also characterizes our organs, the colon and the lungs.
By knowing the nature of elements, their characteristics, their arrangement in the environment, that must be in balance, the age we are in, can greatly improve the quality of one’s life.
In your home and work environments, you should analyze the quantity of Metals in relation to other elements. As Metal is the embodiment of structure, constancy, clarity, its qualities are also attributed to the qualities of human character, sometimes an existing state, sometimes something we should strive for.
In Feng Shui, after analyzing a space that lacks Metal, one can clearly understand a particular behavior, phenomenon, or problem. A deficit of Metal indicates a lack of focus, poor concentration, unclear thinking, unconstructive plans and, in health terms, problems with hemorrhoids, digestion, frequent inflammation of the bronchi, weak lungs and repressed emotions.
Metal is also manifested through colors. Metal colors are white, silver, copper and gold. Metal is also manifested through form, and the forms of Metal are a circle and an arch. It is a conductor of electricity and very important for that reason. In Feng Shui, prosperity and wealth are not possible without Metal, because it is also a symbol of money.
Metal, at first thought, seems motionless and fixed, but it is not.
Even the symbolism of money, like the circular coins reflected in the constant “roll” and flow, metal pipes conduct water and give it its shape, the rings we wear when we get married are a symbol of bonding and new changes.
Ancient Chinese culture says that adding metal to the right places in a living space encourages sudden happiness and business opportunities.
Add metal bells, coins and bins in 2019 to the West, in 2020 to the North-East. As Metal, in this sector, is an activator of new opportunities and career paths, ringing bells in this sector can foster more work.
Numbers also belong to certain elements, so 6 and 7 are Metal numbers, and belong to the North-West and West sectors.
Breathe Metal into your home. Add energy that has structure and which is materialized in the shape, color, number and texture of Metal. Add round items, white, silver gold or copper, add 6 items and metallic items and let yourself feel what your new setting is doing for you, how your habits change, how your thinking improves and how you make decisions more easily. Connect yourself, your home and nature and live in harmony every day.
Marija Vrebalov
Photo: Courtesy of Jamie Spaniol / Unsplash